[Eug-lug] How about that New HP unit.

Jacob Meuser jakemsr at jakemsr.com
Fri Jan 14 12:33:07 PST 2005

On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 11:54:14AM -0800, perdurabo wrote:
> This is probably a bit misleading to the layman. Most of us in the
> SageTV community (and Frey recommends) have a WinTV-PVR card with
> hardware MPEG2 encoding and decoding. So yes, it does use very little
> CPU power. I leave my SageTV processes up and running while I play
> Grand Theft Auto: VC, for example, with little slowdown.

OK, that makes sense then. I just checked again, and nowhere
before I get to this "information" does it mention anything about
hardware encoding.  but I do see that "TV Tuner/MPEG-2 Encoding
card or USB device" is listed in the hardware requirements.

> Also with these cards, they pipe everything having to do with SageTV
> out of the WinTV card's video outs, instead of your normal video card,
> so you're perfectly free to use your Windows desktop while SageTV is
> running. I'm not sure how they're doing this in the Linux version, but
> I suspect they're doing it the same exact way as MythTV does it.

why would you go through the video card at all, especially if you
are recording MPEG?

<jakemsr at jakemsr.com>

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