[Eug-lug] PSP, Video, and mencoder...

Linux Rocks! linux at rocksolidnetworks.com
Wed Mar 30 13:28:14 PST 2005

Ive found that someone is using ffmpeg under linux, so Im compiling it (and 
faac)... will see how it works...

This is the article:
Converting movies in Linux

A patch has been added to the ffmpeg program recently that adds compatibility 
with the PSP. You will need to download the latest version of ffmpeg from 
their CVS. Run this from a terminal window to get the sources:

> cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous at mplayerhq.hu:/cvsroot/ffmpeg co ffmpeg

Now you can enter the ffmpeg directory and configure, compile and install the 
program, make sure to compile with at least the "--enable-faac" option (which 
means you also need the faac package).

> ./configure --enable-faac
> make
> sudo make install

If everything compiled and installed without problems you should now be able 
to create MP4 movies which work on the PSP. If you did encounter problems, 
you can check out the homepages of the programs for more information.

Here is how to convert a movie to the MP4 format, using the new option added 
in ffmpeg:

> ffmpeg -i sourcemovie.avi -f psp -r 14.985 -s 320x240 -b 768 -ar 24000 -ab 
32 M4V00002.MP4

This will create an MP4 movie with a frame rate of 14.985 (-r 14.985), a 
resolution of 320 by 240 (-s 320x240), a video bitrate of 768kbps (-b 768), 
an audio sampling frequency of 24000 Hz (-ar 24000) and an audio bitrate of 
32 kbps (-ab 32).

According to the English manual for the PSP from the FCC website that's 
circling the internet the maximum video bitrate the PSP can handle is 768. 
The maximum resolution is 320x240 for movies played back from the Memory 
Stick so don't go any higher than that. As a final note, the ffmpeg developer 
who added this PSP functionality mentions that there has been problems with 
other framerates than 14.985 so to be sure it will work you should stick with 
that. I've heard reports of other values working as well though, so you could 
try different rates if you want to experiment.

On Wednesday 30 March 2005 12:43 pm, Linux Rocks! wrote:
: So, Ive been trying to encode video that will work on the PSP. I havnt
: gotten any of my videos to work, but I have gotten some downloaded videos
: to work (they are encoded specificly for the PSP, but also playback with
: mplayer).
: From what I can tell, i seem to want a mp4 (divx?) scaled to 320x240,
: 15-29.97fps/384kbs, stereo audio at 64kbps
: Being a linux user, I figure mencoder would be the best app to re-encode
: videos, but I havnt had any luck getting them to play on the psp.
: Mac Users seem to be using ffmpegX/mencoder, but its different on the
: mac...
: Windows users seem to be using 3gp_Converter.
: Ive also found that this little device only plays videos if they are in the
: right location (on the Memory stick), and named w/in a filename convention
: (m4v?????.mp4).
: Anyway, I could use some help getting mencoder to output something usable
: on the PSP...  if someone knows the right parameters and such for getting
: the right output, I would like to know more...
: Jamie

How do I type "for i in *.dvi do xdvi $i done" in a GUI?
	-- Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of interfaces

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