[Eug-lug] This week's meeting - back to basics (and components)

Bob Miller kbob at jogger-egg.com
Thu Jan 13 09:57:42 PST 2005

T. Joseph CARTER wrote:

> For my second trick of the evening, I'm going to use a live Linux CD
> (probably Knoppix or Ubuntu or something) to make the system work.

I'd be interested in seeing Ubuntu or SimplyMepis, as I've never seen
those distros.

I installed Xandros on Anne's laptop yesterday.  I think I'll mail out
a mini review.  Spoiler: installing Knoppix today.

> If you really want to see this process start to finish, please let me know
> so that I don't start before you arrive.  ;)

I've seen hardware, thanks.  If you really want to see hardware
assembly, give Mr. O a box of parts.  In the time that you or I would
look through the box and see what's in there, Mr. O will have pulled
everything out and built the system.

> BTW, hey Mike, does computerbase happen to have thumbscrews?  This thing
> (ASUS Terminator) has two screws, one of them is a pretty standard type,
> the other would be if not for being rather long.  If you've got them, I'm
> interested.  Given how cheap this thing is, it's amazingly easy to get at
> its innards after you take out those two screws.  It'd be so much nicer if
> you didn't have to worry about them.  =)

I have some.  I will try to show up tonight, if I can find Jamie's

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting
http://kbobsoft.com                     kbob at jogger-egg.com

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