[Eug-lug] mozilla keybindings

Allen Brown allen_brown at agilent.com
Wed Jan 12 12:38:57 PST 2005

Allen Brown wrote:
> Does anybody know how to change/set the keybindings in mozilla?
> My finger macros are emacs, and it is driving my bananas that
> whenever I type ^p or ^n (previous-line, next-line) I get a
> printer screen or a new window.

Rob Hudson wrote:
 > Did the original thread mention changing the key bindings?
 > Here's a link if so:
 > http://www.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html#keys

So close!  Unfortunately it has no clues for mail.  And
mail is the window I am having trouble with.

Specifically it says
   The default XBL bindings for Mozilla are in chrome files with
   names like "*Bindings.xml". In particular, bindings for text
   field and text areas, the browser window, and the editor window
   live in htmlBindings.xml. In addition, there are
   platform-specific bindings, which live in the file
   platformHTMLBindings.xml. These contain things like the
   emacs-inspired text editing keys on Unix, the different scroll
   handling on Windows, or the different binding for redo on the

   Other files containing key bindings for other windows include
   treeBindings.xml, tabBindings.xml, and radioBindings.xml.
   I don't know where the bindings for the mail window are. I hope
   someone who knows sees this and updates this document.

Those last two sentences dashed my hopes.  I greped around
in the Mozilla configuration files for likely strings ('"p"'
and 'print').  There just isn't anything.

OTOH there is a cryptic comment
   Key bindings in mozilla are handled through two mechanisms:
   XUL, and XBL. XUL bindings sometimes override XBL bindings.
   This is a known bug (bug 77976).

Following that leads to
which is tantalizing.  Except that it seems to apply
to some other version of mozilla.  At least, there is
no file of that name and not even the directories.
So it is not clear where I would put such a thing to get
mozilla to read it.

I suspect that I need to modify a xpt file since there
is an components/editor.xpt.  But, what the heck is xpt?
It's binary, so I can't edit it.  (Curse mozilla!)
Allen Brown
   work: Agilent Technologies      non-work: http://www.peak.org/~abrown/
         allen_brown at agilent.com	            abrown at peak.org
   Truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it and ignorance may
   deride it; but, in the end; there it is. --- Sir Winston Churchill

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