[Eug-lug] Re: [lug] Today's presentation at EFN

Hal Pomeranz hal at deer-run.com
Mon Aug 16 09:01:32 PDT 2004

> I just wanted to thank the people behind today's presentation at 
> EFN. Easily one of the best presentations on security / hacking that I've 
> been to. It was aimed perfectly at my skill and knowledge level. I 
> understood everything, yet there was very little I already knew, or knew 
> to the level it was covered.

You're most welcome!  Thanks for the kind words.  FYI, the presentation
slides are now available in PDF format at the following URL:


> I am really looking forward to part two.

Part II will be given at the MWVLUG meeting in Corvallis on Sept 7.
Here's the talk blurb:

   Simple Unix Tricks: Spotting Break-ins
   While attack tools for Unix systems are becoming increasingly
   sophisticated, there a still a number of simple techniques that Unix
   administrators can use for detecting when their systems have been
   rooted. Drawing on the SANS Institute's "Intrusion Discovery Cheat
   Sheet" and using tools like chkrootkit and AIDE, Hal Pomeranz presents
   a simple set of checks that any system administrator can perform to
   monitor the status of their Unix systems.

If any Eugenians are interested in going, I'll have three extra 
seats in my car.

Hal Pomeranz, Founder/CEO      Deer Run Associates      hal at deer-run.com
    Network Connectivity and Security, Systems Management, Training

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