[Eug-lug] [ITPRO-ANNOUNCE] Apr 15th -- John Abbe on Wagn

Hal Pomeranz hal at deer-run.com
Tue Apr 15 07:09:46 PDT 2008

Wagn -- John Abbe
6:30pm Tuesday, Apr 15th -- Eugene City Brewery (downstairs)

John Abbe <http://ourpla.net/> will do a demo and Q&A on Wagn, the
most powerful effort he's seen incorporating structure into wiki,
which is why he started working on it. Wagn is general purpose,
free/open software written with Ruby on Rails and AJAX-y goodness, and
was conceived by Ethan McCutchen and Lewis Hoffman (of Eugene
non-profit Grass Commons), when they wanted to build a community
editable system for company and product information, and no existing
software would do what they wanted. John will show off Wagn's core
innovation of "plussing" card names to create implicit structure among
them (and explain why we call them cards instead of pages), as well as
transclusion, cardtypes, templating and WQL - the Wagn Query Language. 
If you want to take a look at Wagn before April 15, see <http://wagn.org/>
and click on "Request an Invitation" to get an account.

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