[Eug-lug] meeting this week

Mike Cherba mike.cherba at caviumnetworks.com
Thu Jan 18 18:48:10 PST 2007

If you haven't left yet, please go straight to McMenamin's North Bank.
Parking at The Spot right now is not easy to come by, and rather than
try to gather everybody and jump from one place to another, let's just
all rendezvous at McMen's.  I will stick around The Spot till about 7:30
to redirect anybody before this message went out.


On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 21:35 -0500, ERock23175 at aol.com wrote:
> We can meet up in front, but the clutter will most likely be around
> until next week, tell you about it when I get there.. Travis said that
> he would most likely not be able to cobble out the area this evening,
> sorry guys but we may yet get a cursory view of it this evening (more
> than enough to know whether it will suit our needs).
> -E 
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Mike Cherba
Cavium Networks
883 Brookside Dr
Eugene, OR 97405
phone: (541) 684-3820
Cell:  (541) 914-2188
mike.cherba at caviumnetworks.com

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