Mike Cherba mike.cherba at caviumnetworks.com
Thu Jan 4 17:07:07 PST 2007

Since I haven't heard from anyone, I'm going to assume a small turn out
at 7:00 at Turtles.  I'll be leaving shortly to run errands before the
meeting, so I won't see email again.  If you have a better venue please
call my cell and we'll talk about it.

The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents. --- Nathaniel Borenstein

On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 15:09 -0800, Mike Cherba wrote:
> Guys,
> 	Since we can no longer use the CRRC space, lets have an informal
> meeting tonight and talk about options for a new meeting place.  I'll
> toss out Turtles Bar and Grill on Willamette as tonight's venue unless
> someone has a better idea.
> 			-Mike
> Turtles Bar and Grill
> 2690 Willamette St
> Eugene, OR 97405
> (541) 465-9038
> There is a difference between eating a varied diet and chowing down on a
> cup of lard and sugar once a day. Programmers know this instinctively:
> they balance their daily menu among the four major food groups:
> caffeine, sugar, grease, and salt. --- John Walker
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