[Eug-lug] hardware query...

Mike Cherba mike.cherba at caviumnetworks.com
Thu Dec 13 16:24:45 PST 2007

For the most part, as long as the USB controller supports UHCI, EHCI, or
OHCI, Linux support is pretty solid.  A lot of USB parts still don't
really support those stanrds despite claims to the contrary.  The
problem with Linux and USB is when you start getting a USB HUB between
the controller and the device.  Otherwise, most of the devices I've
tried in the last 2 years just work.  In fact, USB storage seems to work
better on Linux than on Windows.  I've had several USB drives that linux
detected no problem, but wouldn't register in Windows without extra
driver SW.

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 16:18 -0800, Allen Brown wrote:
> The particular USB controller could well be important.
> But the discussion was definitely about Linux and not Microshaft.
> Windoze has it's own set of stupidities that I'm not talking about.

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