[Eug-lug] Still having trouble with Peng

Ben Barrett stircrazyben at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 11:11:13 PST 2006

Well I think I missed part 1 of this thread, maybe by missing the Thurs
meeting... but here goes my attempt to help :)

If you're using a dialup modem, your connection should be one of the tty's
(serial ports).
"sudo su" is about the same as logging in as root, so be careful, but to try
to find a recently-changed config file:
cd     (same as cd ~)
ls -lArt    (view all files, long listing, reverse-by-time so the
most-recent are at the bottom)

look for "dotfiles" as they're known, files that being with "." (period) or
files in directories beginning with .
like maybe
(which I assume would be in /root/)

hope this helps,


PS - I see peng is an alternative to pppd, this doc found via google is not
new but indicates that peng likes to use the "tun0" device, so my reference
to tty might depend on whether you're talking about how the dialup occurs,
or how general connectivity happens after the dialup is establshed... or
maybe this doc is totally out of date:
Sorry I'm out of the loop on this.  Most programs don't edit their own
config files, though, unless you use a "wizard" sort of thing, or edit
preferences in the program.

On 11/12/06, ERock23175 at aol.com <ERock23175 at aol.com> wrote:
>  Well it works...kinda. I can start it up by doing a sudo su, but it can't
> seem to find the modem. Is there a way I can edit it, or get it to
> redetect for an available connection (eth0, tty, isdn)? When we had it
> running in the CRRC building, it was connecting via an ethernet connectio=
> whereas now all I have is a 56k modem. Could it have editted some file or
> could we have editted some file that tells Peng what kind of internet
> connection is available? What would it look like and how do I find, and e=
> it?
> -E
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