[Eug-lug] Suse just sucks

Jim K kjim9 at cmc.net
Sun Jun 11 13:57:19 PDT 2006

This is why I recommend to newbies that the best distro to start with is 
one that installs cleanly for their system.  I had trouble with Ubuntu 
on my laptop.
But over the years I have heard people have trouble with all the common 
versions, and yet I have a friend who swears by how easy slackware is to 
install( He workw at Symantec and doesn't
come to the Euglug meetings yet).
Jim K

Mr O wrote:
> Why does Suse suck? Never have I had more trouble installing any
> other distro than Suse! Starting with 9.3 last year and the
> inability to install with a USB keyboard to 10.1 today and the
> inability to properly handle an LCD monitor. All it does is go
> out of sync. I managed to install via text mode and upon
> completion it goes out of sync again!! Blah! 
> Seems the most foolproof distros to date are Gentoo, Ubuntu, and
> Slackware in my experiences. All have managed to install on most
> hardware I've tried. 
> /rant
> See what happens when I stay up late?
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