[Eug-lug] MacTel Boot Camp

T. Joseph CARTER knghtbrd at bluecherry.net
Thu Apr 6 17:28:01 PDT 2006

On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:47:13AM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
> Why is that?  Well, Apple sells very unique machines in my opinion, which
> have a lot of excellent work put into HCI in terms of nicely
> engineered/architectured hardware (my opinion).  However, if my goal is to
> have a new portable workstation, the current macbook pro offerings do not
> appear to be competetively-priced.  I have seen dual-core portables for
> under $1k from dell and other vendors, and have not yet seen any dual-core
> portables from Apple for under $2k.  They are different machines.
> Bottom line is, that Dell does not offer ANY comparable machines, in regards
> to Apple's offerings.  I have not seen any vendors who can compete,
> directly.  It is like comparing apples and ...

You're not matching features or looking at the time Apple released the
products at those prices.  Look again when Apple comes out with the
upgrade to the iBook line (which generally uses the same hardware as Dell
does..)  Powerbooks tended to cost more than iBooks because Powerbooks had
stuff that you couldn't get in the budget laptop built-in.  Higher speed
hard drives, more drive space, the more expensive video chips that support
true dual-head with the manufacturer's blessing, etc.  (Hacks exist to add
that last feature to the lesser iBook line..)

The MacBook Pro, besides having the dorkiest name Apple's come up with in
years, looks very similar to the previous model Powerbook at a similar
price point.  At the time, you couldn't get anything comparable from Dell
or anyone else, so the price was more than fair for the latest technology
(if you believe Intel's hype anyway..)  Fast forward two months and you
can find a budget Core Duo for less, but with fewer features and cheaper

Also looking forward to a 13" MacBook Pro or a 12" iBook/MacBook non-Pro.

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, is not an act,
but a habit."
	-- Aristotle

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