[Eug-lug] laptop

Alan Crandall alanore at comcast.net
Sat Apr 1 10:09:54 PST 2006

At 09:14 AM 4/1/2006, you wrote:
>I have a similar laptop, mine is the 5002 wlmi, and it too uses a turion
>64 CPU. Mine came with windows XP (32 bit version, not 64!), didnt yours
>come with windows?

yes xp pro

>I had a lot of trouble getting my wifi working. there are a few factors
>that make things more difficult (like trying to use the windows 32 bit
>driver with 64 bit OS (ubuntu breezy AMD64)). You will likely need
>ndiswrapper to load your windows wifi adapter driver. If you are using a
>64 bit OS, things will get more complicated, unless your computer
>shipped with a 64 bit driver. I experimented with 6 different drivers,
>until I found one that worked.
had a friend in New jersey install mandriva and he also could not get 
ndiswrapper to work
but then he was getting pressed for time.Should I be looking for a 
windows dll file to wrap ?
any chance of some help at my place installing ?
will be leaving early Monday,probaly to the east coast 

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