[Eug-lug] WINE and Windows GenuineCheck - Broken!

Spugee Spugee at nortopia.net
Wed Oct 5 20:52:54 PDT 2005

Does attempting to look like Microsoft count ? I must say Lindows is 
probably the worse distro I've ever tried .. you may be onto something.

Bob Miller wrote:

>T. Joseph CARTER wrote:
>>>As for Cedega, if you want to live NEVER EVER mention it in
>>>front of Joseph. 
>>Oh no, he can live.  Transgaming should die.  ;)
>I propose a hypothesis.  Companies that produce Windows-compatible
>operating systems become evil.
>The two companies that have tried it so far, Microsoft and
>Transgaming, apparently fit the hypothesis.  (I only know
>hearsay about Transgaming, but Microsoft definitely fits.)
>How can we test this hypothesis without producing more evil
>Did SCO ever produce a Windows clone?

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