[Eug-lug] motherboard chipsets

perdurabo perdurabo at gmail.com
Tue May 17 08:20:38 PDT 2005

The only players seem to be VIA, Intel, and NVidia. The others being
delegated to the cheap low-end. I've had too much flakiness issues
with VIA that I won't be buying their stuff anymore. Intel... well,
Intel cpu's are overpriced, so they go as well.

I currently have an NForce4 board, which I am highly impressed with.
It's packed full of features and configuration options. NVidia, mmm.


On 5/16/05, Mr O <notanatheist at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Chipsets are probably a little simpler than motherboards overall
> to decide on. There's only 6 major players that I know of.
> Intel: most of their chipsets are reliable and solid performing.
> 820 is the biggest flop of theirs that comes to mind.
> AMD: Very rare to find. They've let others take the market for
> mainboards though they make chips for other devices.
> Via: Definitely have their ups and downs. Some chips are just
> flops and cause nothing but problems.
> Nvidia: High performance but Nvidia has it's flops too.
> SIS: They work. Not the highest performance but generally fairly
> reliable.
> ATI: Issues. ATI hasn't done a whole lot as far as mobo chipsets
> are concerned.
> --- "T. Joseph CARTER" <knghtbrd at bluecherry.net> wrote:
> > On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 09:18:27AM -0700, Mr O wrote:
> > > P.S. Motherboard chipsets are a whole other issue that can
> > be
> > > expounded upon if requested.
> >
> > So requested.  =)
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