[Eug-lug] computers forsale....

larry price laprice at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 11:27:20 PDT 2005

On 6/29/05, Jamie <jamie at rocksolidnetworks.com> wrote:

> That really is a better question than you will ever get credit for... consider
> if OpenSource Software were more predominant than Microsoft, how would the
> hardware industry have evolved over the last 10~15 years? What state of
> computer technology would exist? would it be better? worse? why?

It's better to look at the segments of the market where OSS is
dominant today, namely the lowest of the low end PC market, various
vertical categories of embedded devices, and commodity servers. And
the answer is, the hardware is commoditiy quality,  good documentation
is available but costs money, and standards aren't .

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

> Talk amongst yourselves.
> Jamie
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