[Eug-lug] Nvidia ickiness

Allen C Brown allen_brown at agilent.com
Tue Jun 28 17:14:56 PDT 2005

Max Lemieux said the following on 06/28/2005 04:49 PM:
> I feel obliged to point out that the open source X11/Xorg "nv"
> driver works great with Nvidia cards, at least for basic 2d use
> - it doesn't support 3d acceleration yet, though. This is
> probably because Nvidia has been very good to date about keeping
> up with their binary driver, and maybe the developers have been
> focusing more on getting the newer vendor-unsupported-on-Linux
> ATI cards up and running...

I believe ATI released their specs.  NVidia didn't.  It has
little to do with how good the proprietary driver is.

> All else aside, I understand and accept your wish to run
> completely open source :)
> -Max

Insurance.  And besides, its just the right thing to do.
Allen Brown
   work: Agilent Technologies      non-work: http://www.peak.org/~abrown/
         allen_brown at agilent.com	            abrown at peak.org
   It is more agreeable to have the power to give than to receive.
   --- Sir Winston Churchill

> Allen C Brown wrote:
>>The NVidia specs were never released, even after it was
>>clearly obsolete.  Given a choice I will always buy from
>>manufacturers who release specs so that an open source
>>driver can be written.
>>This is really important if you want to be able to occasionally
>>update your install/kernel.  Otherwise you are hostage to
>>NVidia deciding they don't care about Linux drivers any more.
>>I now run Debian.  No proprietary drivers.  I bought an
>>ATI FireGL X1.  ATI could go belly up tomorrow, but the
>>2.8 kernel released in 2007 would support it.

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