[Eug-lug] Security Focus interview with Marcus Ranum

Jason Van Cleve jason at vancleve.com
Wed Jun 22 20:39:18 PDT 2005

Quoth larry price, on Wed, 22 Jun 2005 17:00:31 -0700:

> No, you should go ahead and spend money you don't even have on the
> assumption that if you are reasonably "cautious" a "computer error"
> will make your debts vanish.

Wow.  I had no idea there were so many amoralists on this list.  Mr O.
reminds us that we are all animals and that property is an illusion; and
you advocate stealing from banks, ignorant of the fact that sooner or
later, somebody has to pay.

So much for civilization.

--Jason V. C.

"Leggo my ego."

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