[linux] Re: [Eug-lug] New Macs with "Intel Inside"?

Rodney Mishima rmishima at comcast.net
Mon Jun 6 10:17:14 PDT 2005

>I don't know much about MacOS. But I thought that MacOS X was 
>someting like MacOS 10
>I think there was MacOS 7, 8, 9, and the X stands for 10...
>I am right?

No. You are wrong.

For the sake of a timeline, OS X uses version numbers 10.x.x

which indicate that it is a SUCCESOR to Mac OS 9 and earlier.

BUT it is a major departure from the "Classic" Mac OS 9 and earlier, 
which are NOT unix-based.

Beneath the Aqua/Cocoa GUI, Mac OS X has a Mach kernel and much of 
its DNA comes from Open BSD.

It's not Linux... but not a bad alternative.


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