[Eug-lug] OT: SBIR Workshop

John Sechrest sechrest at jas.peak.org
Sat Jun 4 15:20:10 PDT 2005

Pardon the off topic post. I am trying to spead the word about
a workshop that I am putting together for 6/24 and 6/25.
The focus is on how to get R+D funds to help your technology business
grow. I make the broad assumption that Linux folks know people who
are trying to do technology businesses. 

I am happy to talk to anyone about the SBIR process if they are
interested. If you know anyone who wants to start an high tech business
or wants to grow their business, this is an opportunity to let the
federal R+D programs help you take the risk.

Please share this note with anyone you know that wants to 
do more high tech research and product development (or service development)

World Class SBIR Writing Workshop and Growing you technology business

Dates: 6/24 and 6/25
Location: LBCC Benton center - Corvallis
Time: 8:00-6:00pm
Fee: $75

Speaker: Mark Henry , PBC Inc 

Join us for a hands on workshop for how to fund and
grow your technology business. Mark Henry is a 
nationally known consultant for SBIR Grant writing.
The SBIR program is a federal program with 
over $2B set aside for small businesses. In order to 
particpate in an SBIR grant solicitation, you have to write a 
successful proposal. Come joinc the SAO SBIR Study group
to learn more about how to be an effective participant
in the SBIR program. Learn about local resources 
available to you to for growing your technology based

The space for this workshop is limited. There are 
30 seats in the room. If you want to be part of this 
program, please sign up early. 

After a year of work, this program has been put together
with the cooperation of many partners. PEAK Internet Services
is a key sponsor. The State of Oregon OECCD has been a 
generous sponsor. The Corvallis Chamber of Commerce,
Corvallis-Benton Economic Develpment Partnership , 
Corvallis Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon, 
Linn-Benton Small Business Develpment Center and
Alpha Omega Computer systems have dedicated resources
and staff to enable this project to come to Corvallis. 

Some material about Mark Henry:

After working as a communications specialist for 2-1/2 years
at a National Laboratory (Battelle), Mark has spent the past
20 years managing communications (technical proposals,
reports, business plans, public and government relations, data
management, marketing) for several high-tech firms while also
consulting nationwide. During his 17-year tenure as
Communications Director and Chief of Staff at Bend Research,
Inc., Mark managed the production of some 350 Phase I and
Phase II SBIR proposals -- about half of which were
funded. This research company was one of the top ten SBIR
firms in the nation throughout most of that period, and was
ranked number one in its follow-on commercialization and
private-sector R&D success, spinning off five
manufacturing/marketing firms during that period. He also
served as Director of Communications and Staff Support for two
years for AndCare, Inc., in Research Triangle Park, NC, before
joining PBC.

As a manager with SBIR firms and as a national consultant,
Mark has been involved in the planning and preparation of some
1,100 SBIR proposals. He has also been active throughout his
career in outreach, training, and advocacy for small,
high-tech businesses. Mark has conducted SBIR seminars and
workshops in some 25 states over the past 15 years, and
federal SBIR program managers routinely ask him to provide the
proposal-preparation training at the several national and
regional SBIR meetings that they sponsor each year.

Mark is a founding board member of and the communications
chairman for the Small Business Technology Coalition (SBTC), a
trade association of small, high-tech companies. He is a
past-president of the national Academy of Technology
Entrepreneurs and Innovators. He was an Oregon technology
delegate to the 1995 White House Conference on Small Business,
and he served for several years on the Small Business
Administration's National Advisory Council. Mark currently
serves on the boards of the SBTC and the Oregon Innovation

Honors and Awards:

* One of two Individual 1996 National Tibbetts Award winners 
for "Outstanding Contributions to the SBIR Program"
* Proposal manager for two Tibbetts Award-winning companies, 1997 and 1998
* Central Oregon "Business Builder" Award, 1992
* Central Oregon "Outstanding Team Player" Awards-1989, 1992 


Proposed Agenda

6/24  - Friday

8:00  Gathering, registration, breakfast
9:00  Introduction
10:00 Improving business opportunities in Oregon
10:45 break
11:00 Sources of funding for new business growth
12:00 lunch

1:30  - SBIR 101 - Intro
2:45  - break
3:00  - SBIR 101 - more details 
5:00  - Discussion

6:00  - Dinner opportunity

6/25  - Saturday

8:00  Gathering, registration, breakfast
9:00  SBIR - Overview of opportunities
10:00 SBIR - Preparing to write - Building the foundation
10:45 - break
11:00 SBIR - Preparing to Write - Your story
12:00 Lunch
1:30  SBIR - Preparing to Write - The project plan
2:45  - Break
3:00  SBIR - Preparing to Write - Financial model 
5:00  closing

This agenda is still subject to refinement. 

How to sign up: 

Contact Josefine Fleetwood at the Corvallis chamber
and reserve your spot now. There are a limited
number of spaces. josefine at corvallischamber.com

Online followup Opportunity: 

There will be an Online followup opportunity for 4 weeks
for additional work on improving grant writing. 


Our deepest thanks to our sponsors who have made this
event possible:

PEAK Internet Services         
OECCD - State of Oregon	     
Corvallis Chamber of Commerce  
Corvallis Benton Economic Development Partnership 
Corvallis chapter of the Software Association of Oregon
Linn Benton Community College Small Business Development Center
Alpha Omega Computer Systems

If you have any questions about this project, Please
contact John Sechrest - 754 1911 - sechrest at ao.com


John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
                        .           computers and the Internet
                          .            more effectively
                               .       Internet: sechrest at peak.org
                                            . http://www.peak.org/~sechrest

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