[Eug-lug] shut down unneeded ports in Gentoo?

Rob Hudson rob at euglug.net
Tue Jan 25 11:28:38 PST 2005

Bob Miller wrote:
> Rob Hudson wrote:
>>I ran nmap on a server of mine and found a few open that I'd rather not 
>>be open (the ones with "filtered" in the list)...  How can I shut those 
>>down in Gentoo?
>>22/tcp   open     ssh
>>25/tcp   open     smtp
>>80/tcp   open     http
>>135/tcp  filtered msrpc
>>139/tcp  filtered netbios-ssn
>>445/tcp  filtered microsoft-ds
>>993/tcp  open     imaps
>>4444/tcp filtered krb524
> On the box in question, run "netstat -pant" to find out what program
> has each one opened.  The name of the program is at the far right.
> Then use rc-update to disable each service.  And then stop the service
> by typing "/etc/init.d/<servicename> stop".

When I run "netstat -pant", I do not see the opened ports, only 22, 25, 
80, and 993.  Which makes me think "filtered" means something. 
According to the nmap manpage, "Filtered means that a firewall, filter, 
or other network obstacle is covering the port and preventing nmap from 
determining whether the port is open."  I haven't yet set up a firewall 
so it's not that.

When I ran nmap, I ran it thusly, "nmap -sS domain.com".  I could try it 
again and ask for a full TCP connect and see what it reports.

I don't see any inet or xinet in my /etc directory.  Does Gentoo put 
those somewhere else or not use it?


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