[Eug-lug] Computer time

Jacob Meuser jakemsr at jakemsr.com
Sun Jan 23 18:41:30 PST 2005

On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 04:09:54PM -0800, John Sechrest wrote:

>  So.. you would choose to learn an editor that was complex because
>  it had the ability to give you leverage. Both VI and Emacs
>  support automation at one level or another.
>  Nano/pico/whatever don't. 

which is why I use mg.  simple, with _some_ amenities.

>  I have watched people type in and edit lists of names over
>  again to make them in the right formate, when if they had
>  used emacs/vi and regular expressions, they would have
>  been done in 5 minutes. 

or they could have used sed or perl, no?  or maybe they could have
written their own toolkit of simple scripts?

>  So the reason that you look at tools outside of your current
>  tool is to find the places that people are effective and
>  to gain some of that efficiency for yourself.
>  If you can't want to gain it, fine... But don't be upset when
>  others start being more effective...

I was not complaining about anything of the sort.  I merely don't
like the fact that emacs does things that I don't want it to,
apparently by default.

anyway, I still use old computers.  emacs is a bloated pig.  in the
time I wait for emacs to start up, I can be done with mg.

<jakemsr at jakemsr.com>

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