[Eug-lug] Re: unwanted behavior from Xandros and lilo (was: SimplyMepis)

Max Lemieux max at lunarlogic.com
Thu Jan 13 18:09:55 PST 2005

Yikes! That's kind of scary. I've not tried to cohabitate Xandros with 
other Linux distros...

If the behavior you describe is by design (not unimaginable), hopefully 
they corrected that in the 3.0 release. You may want to report the bug 
to the xandros folks, or on the xandros user forums, as the developers 
are in good contact with the user base there.

SimplyMepis uses grub and has given no trouble with bootloaders. It even 
labels kernels with version numbers. :)


fleming.j at comcast.net wrote:

>My opinion on Xandros is that it has hung out with windows too much and 
>seems to have picked up some evil intentions along the way. I booted into it the other night  from the Ubuntu grub screen not knowing which debian clone was on that partition and rebooted to find that it had installed it's own lilo
> over the Ubuntu grub MuWaHaHa!
>                                                                                  John

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