[Eug-lug] Re: 'doze use

Allen Brown allen_brown at agilent.com
Mon Feb 7 15:13:17 PST 2005

Garl Grigsby wrote:
> Allen Brown wrote:
>> Max Lemieux wrote:
>>> Cookie removal:
>>> 1) Open your web browser. I'll assume you are using Internet 
>>> Explorer, the one with the big blue "e" logo.
>>> 2) Go to the Tools menu. Choose "Internet Options". In the resulting 
>>> dialog window, there is a "Delete Cookies" button. Click it. Agree to 
>>> the following message.
>> Under "Internet Options" are 6 tabs: General, Security, Content,
>> Connections, Programs, Advanced.  I don't see anything about cookies
>> under any of those tabs.  I'm stuck with W2K.  IE is 5.50.4807.2300CO.
> First off, upgrade your browser. Now. Have you done it yet. No, really, 
> NOW. Microsoft, who is not the best at security updates, stopped 
> providing updates to IE 5.5 a long time ago (years?). Even with a 
> current browser there is enough stuff out there that can cause you 
> problems.

In theory, I agree with you.  Problem is, it's not my computer.
Upgrading IE could cause me to run afowl of the corporate IT
powers that be.  Heck, I wouldn't be running Windoze at all!

--- We control the vertical.  We control the horizontal...

> Now to yer question. In IE 6, the delete cookies command is under 'Tools 
> - Internet Options - General - Delete Cookies'. According to Microsoft, 
> the steps should be the same in 5.5 
> (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835).
> Hope that helps.
> Garl

Its not there in this version.  I can just imagine some
Microshaft dweeb saying "why would anyone ever want to clear
their cookies?"
Allen Brown
   work: Agilent Technologies      non-work: http://www.peak.org/~abrown/
         allen_brown at agilent.com	            abrown at peak.org
   During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
   revolutionary act. --- George Orwell, "1984"

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