[Eug-lug] best distro for SPARC ?

spugee at nortopia.net spugee at nortopia.net
Fri Dec 16 18:56:19 PST 2005

Bob Miller wrote:

>spugee at nortopia.net wrote:
>>Im thinking one sparc box would become an NTP server ( if Im using a non 
>>supported OS I cant have it be TOO mulituser.. or something like that )
>>The second box.. hmm  ..maybe a honeypot ? anyone feel like playing with 
>>a honeypot ?
>I suggest using them as doorstops or as rebar in your next concrete
>construction project.
>I do not suggest using them as climbables in a monster truck
>competition.  In the late 1990s, SGI introduced a new server or
>something, and the marketing weenies thought it would be fun to get
>some old Suns and crush them under a monster truck at an SGI company
>event.  Unfortunately, old computers are much more solid than old
>cars, and they didn't crush at all.  Most of them survived with just a
>few scratches.
ROFL !.. oh man if you knew the situation .. it just makes it all that 
more funny. Im forwarding that one to my boss.   and Im so temped to go 
into gritty details..  Lets just say that the main IS depts ( the one 
responsible for 90% of the servers ) just bought a few Linux servers at 
about $3K - $5K each.. and the last single solaris box was $55,000 ..   
yes this is your tax money and electric bill at work.. 

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