[Eug-lug] Schwag!

toman toman at ellisdunes.org
Mon Dec 12 11:12:49 PST 2005

toman wrote:
> Bob Miller wrote:
>> Some schwag has arrived.
>> I have Ubuntu CDs, compliments of the Ubuntu project.  Release 5.10
>> ("Breezy Badger").  40 copies for PC and 15 for minority
>> architectures.
>> Marsee at O'Reilly sent us multiple copies of three titles.
>>     Linux Desktop Pocket Guide
>>     Knoppix Pocket Reference
>>     Linux Desktop Hacks
>> I'll bring it all to this Thursday's clinic.
> I just got a set of those as well, 10 PC, 3 64bit and 2 Mac, I think. 
> If anyone in the Cottage Grove area wants one, please let me know. I 
> have to say though,
> that I loaded Ubuntu on an older laptop of mine and was quite 
> disappointed with it. The install was very debian, you know, ncurses 
> based. At some point a root
> password got assigned, but not by me, so I have no idea what it is. 
> The application install GUI was really primitive, maybe they're 
> expecting users to be apt-get
> conversant. It couldn't find a driver for my linksys wireless card, 
> which older versions of Suse have. All in all, for a distribution 
> that's working that "Linux for
> everybody" angle it seemed like Linux for almost nobody. I think if I 
> were to inflict a Debian variant on an unsuspecting newbie, it would 
> be Knoppix or its
> progeny, because it does such a good job of autoprobing hardware, and 
> just works.  Anyway, if my Ubuntu bashing wasn't enough to disuade 
> folks, I have a few
> that are free to good homes.
>                           J. Toman
Whoops! I forgot to mention that the Cottage Grove Library is now a 
public hotspot, though their DSL connection isn't great.

                                                         J. Toman

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