[Eug-lug] Programming Mailing list.

Ben Barrett benb at nu-world.com
Thu Oct 7 22:19:10 PDT 2004

Well, Linus says "BitKeeper!", how dare we even discuss anything else?

Idiots don't know version control.  Freaks use it as a filesystem.  :)
...tool for the job, etc...

Sorry I've been away from the list for so long, folks, it has been a fun 



T. Joseph CARTER wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 05:15:33PM -0700, Linux Rocks! wrote:
>>>1st holy war topic will be version control ;-) (i predict)
>>Isnt that traditionally text editors?? (hey who likes edlin?)
>Nah, because emacs and vim are really the same thing nowadays.
>Now the war is subversion versus things devised by idiots.  ;)  Er, I
>mean...  ;)

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