[Eug-lug] Listening to ASX file...

nyal ncammack at efn.org
Mon Nov 22 23:31:57 PST 2004

Greetings all,

I tried to listen tonight to the following:


which uses Abacus Streaming media.....Tried to use Xine....No go.  Tried 
XMMS.....no go.

Any suggestions on another media player that will play an asx file?

Nyal R Cammack

PS: I got the above url from www.larsradio.com and clicking on "click here to 
listen to the current show".
Called up the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms regional office
  and asked, "What wine goes best with an M-16?"  The guy who answered did
  his best to be helpful:  "That depends.  What are you smoking?"

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