[Eug-lug] OS X security vulnerability

Ben Barrett benb at nu-world.com
Wed May 19 12:06:54 PDT 2004

But why should you be concerned, Larry?
That laptop will run bsd, right?  =)



PS - congrats!  It seemed like a good machine for you.

On Tue, 18 May 2004 19:49:58 -0700 (PDT)
larry a price <laprice at efn.org> wrote:

| execute a script from a url
| http://bronosky.com/pub/AppleScript.htm
| for a demon striation
| she includes a fix
| myself I am wondering if url-encoding the string would fix the issue with
| spaces in the exploit string not being recognised...
| ps. this concerns me too since I am getting my laptop back (Yay!)
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