[Eug-lug] Reading data to multiple variables

Allen Brown allen_brown at agilent.com
Wed Jul 28 11:41:47 PDT 2004

If you don't mind using the command line array, you can
use set to do this.
  $ set - $(echo 05e307020000000000000000 Yes)
  $ echo $1
  $ echo $2

Is this what you had in mind?
Allen Brown
  work: Agilent Technologies      non-work: http://www.peak.org/~abrown/
        allen_brown at agilent.com	            abrown at peak.org
  Socialism is like a dream. Sooner or later you wake up to reality. 
  --- Sir Winston Churchill

Garl Grigsby wrote:
>     I need a bit of bash help. I have a situation where I need to read
> two pieces of data from a text file and store these data into two
> variables. I know that this would be easy in perl, but I have to do this
> as a shell script. The data will be a number and a word, like this:
> "05e307020000000000000000 Yes".
>     I know that I could simple get the data in two separate operations,
> but the problem is that there could be either 1, 2, 3, or 4 pairs of
> data, and while I could still do this will multiple steps, I would
> prefer to find a more elegant way. What I would really like to do would
> be to store this data in an array. The problem is that I cannot figure
> out how to store the data in the array. I've tried something like this:
>     myarray[*] = awk `my awk foo`
> or this
>     myarray[*] = awk `my awk foo`
> but bash complains about a bad array subscript. So does anybody feel
> like learning me some bash?
> Thanks,
> Garl
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