[Eug-lug] SCO: Pitfalls to Avoid

Bob Miller kbob at jogger-egg.com
Fri Jul 2 20:22:53 PDT 2004

Lest we forget what a surreal farce SCO vs IBM is, here is an excerpt
from a recent Groklaw posting.

> Pitfalls to avoid, as learned from the experiences of Darl McBride and
> Ralph Yarro:
> 1) Suing IBM
> 2) Getting counter-sued by IBM
> 3) Arguing with people smarter than you, especially technical people
>    when the most technical paper you've ever written was a graduate
>    thesis on football statistics
> 4) Hiring your brother to put words in your mouth that are even
>    stupider than your own
> 5) Hiring someone whose greatest claim to fame is suing his former
>    employer for not getting a big enough bonus
> 6) Thinking you have a strong case when even notoriously litigation-
>    phobic Japanese multi-nationals dismiss your pleas for license
>    fees
> 7) Writing your legal briefs in MS Word, then leaving in the meta-data
>    after changing the defendant
> 8) Lying to the press about MIT rocket scientists being on your side
> 9) Debating intellectual property law in technology with an audience
>    from MIT and Harvard Law School (What was Darl thinking?)
> 10) Suing your own customers


Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting
http://kbobsoft.com                     kbob at jogger-egg.com

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